A Buzzard that had been injured on a road in Roscommon back in January was successfully returned to its home after being treated by Kildare Wildlife Rescue. Thank you to the wonderful Kildare Wildlife Rescue, the buzzard made a full recovery. We are grateful to our volunteers who brought the bird to the rescue centre and to the staff and students of Lecarrow Community National School who helped us with the release. This is a good news story that shows how we can help wildlife in need.

Lecarrow Community National School
Today we got to be part of a buzzard release!
This buzzard was rescued locally over Christmas by the Roscommon SPCA CLG after injuring its wing. It had been visiting one of our families with its mate for a number of months and since its rescue has been rehabilitating with Kildare Wildlife Rescue.
Today we were thrilled to receive a talk about buzzards from Roscommon SPCA’s Bridget and to witness this release. We are excited to see if she returns to her regular perch near our pupils home, as within minutes her mate had arrived at her tree!