Today, we welcomed three beautiful collies into our care, all suffering from severe neglect. Alerted by our followers to the plight of these malnourished collies at the Carlow/Kilkenny Dog Shelter, we were asked if we could assist. Consequently, an emergency committee meeting was convened to discuss the matter. After thorough discussion, we resolved to extend our aid to these three collies in desperate circumstances, notwithstanding our nearly depleted funds.
So far this year, we’ve incurred close to €80,000.00 in veterinary care expenses. Fortunately, all our bills are currently paid and up to date. The committee discussed at length and chose to aid the three collies in need, despite our dwindling bank account. Their road to recovery will be challenging, necessitating comprehensive veterinary care, abundant compassion, and fervent prayers.
We are seeking donations to assist with their care.
Bubba is around six years old, very emaciated weighing only 12kg with a body score of 1. He is nearly at deaths door. He also had to be shaved as his coat was matted tight with dirt & faeces. Please keep him in your prayers as the next 3 to 5 days are crucial for his survival.

Boo is around seven years old, grossly underweight; her coat was so matted with dirt and faeces she had to be shaved.

Brody is around three years old and very nervous. very scared so he will wet himself when you go to him first.

It will take them a long time to recover and get back to good health, they will need lots of care and love. Any donation toward their welfare will be greatly appreciated. Click any of the links below to donate.
Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.
To donate via PayPal, you do not need a PayPal account.

text RSPCA to 50300 to donate €4.
Text cost €4. Roscommon SPCA will receive a minimum of €3.60.
Service Provider: LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 01 481 9311