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Fostering kittens is a rewarding experience that helps these little fur balls find their forever homes. Here’s what’s involved:

Kittens are some of the most adorable animals on the planet, and you would be hard-pressed to find more cuddly and lovable creatures!

Not only do kittens love to spend a lot of their time playing and cuddling, but they are also looking for someone to bond with and to make them feel safe and secure.

When it comes to fostering, in addition to providing them with a happy and healthy home environment, the ultimate goal with fostering kittens is to make them adoptable into a permanent home.

So, before you bring home kittens to foster, it’s very important to be mindful of several important factors.

If you are not properly prepared and not ready for the commitment, you may end up with unhappy and maladjusted kittens down the road. And unhappy and maladjusted kittens can be more difficult for shelters to adopt out.

In this article, we will give you some important information about what to know when fostering kittens, as well as giving you some useful tips about how to provide your foster kittens with what they need to develop into happy, healthy, and adoptable cats.

Thinking about fostering? What you need.

  • Basic Supplies – Kittens require a few, basic supplies in order for them to be happy and healthy. These supplies include food and water, a litter box (and litter), a scratching post or scratching pad, comfy beds or cosy spots, grooming supplies, and some toys to play with.
  • Home Environment – Making sure that your home is kitten-friendly is another very important aspect of fostering. So, before you bring your new friends home, be sure that you have a safe and friendly environment that is free from any potential dangers or stresses.
  • Time Commitment – It’s very important to be sure that you will be able to spend a good deal of time with your foster kittens. Spending time with them will not only help to keep them safe, but it will also help them to develop a sense of trust and companionship with humans.
  • Basic Hygiene – Foster kittens, especially when they are orphans, may need a little help when it comes to cleanliness. So, it’s important to pay close attention to their overall hygiene to make sure that they don’t develop any hygienic issues.
  • Quarantining – It’s vital to make sure that your foster kittens and any pre-existing cats in your home are continually separated from each other. Doing so will prevent the spread of any infections while your fosters are developing their immune systems.
  • Medical Care – While your foster kittens are in the early stages of developing their immune systems, pay close attention to any irregularities in their general health, and be prepared to take them to a veterinarian if you notice any signs of illness.


Be able to dedicate time (around 10-13 hours per week).

Own your home or have landlord permission.

Ideally, have experience caring for pets (training provided).

Have a suitable room or outdoor space for the foster cat.

Remember, fostering saves lives and makes a difference

This info was taken from, there is loads of information here on fostering, click the link What To Know When Fostering Kittens: 6 Essential Tips –

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