XL Bully Breed Ban
On 12th July 2024, the Minister for Rural Affairs and Community Development announced plans to implement a ban on XL Bully dogs later this year.
Starting from 1st October 2024, new legislation in Ireland will make it illegal to breed, sell, or import XL Bully dogs. Animal Welfare charities and shelters with existing XL Bully dogs already in their facilities on October 1st will be permitted to rehome or export these dogs until February 1st 2025.
From 1st February 2025, it will also be unlawful to own an XL Bully dog unless the owner has obtained a Certificate of Exemption issued by the local authority in which the dog resides.
To apply for the Certificate of Exemption:
Your dog must be:
- Licenced
- Microchipped
- Neutered
This means when in a public place, these dogs must be securely muzzled and kept on a strong chain or leash (maximum 2 metres in length) by a person over 16 years of age who is capable of controlling the dog.
We are committed to supporting responsible owners of the affected dogs. Below, you can learn more about the implications of the ban for owners and the necessary steps to take at this point.
For detailed information, visit the ISPCA website by clicking here XL Bully Advice – ISPCA
For more information click this link gov.ie – Ban on XL Bully dogs
Contact Dog Warden on 090 666 2992 and Roscommon County Council on 090 6637100

Animal Health & Welfare Act 2013

It’s important to keep your dog & cat microchip details up to date to ensure they can be returned to you if they get lost. Here are the steps to check and update your dog’s microchip information:
Find the Microchip Number: This is usually provided when the microchip is implanted. If you don’t have it, your vet can scan your dog to retrieve it.
Update Your Details: Once you know the registry, you can update your contact information online, by phone, or by post. Each registry has its own process and may charge a small fee.
Keeping this information current is crucial, especially if you move or change your phone number.
Microchipping is a legal requirement.
From 31st of March 2016, it will be a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped and it is already a legal requirement for puppies born after the 1st of June 2016. Failure to comply with the legislation could result in a fine of up to €5,000 so don’t wait – get your dog microchipped before 31st March 2016.

Report Animal Cruelty
A National Animal Cruelty Helpline operated by the ISPCA, deals with many thousands of calls regarding animal welfare. The public have become more aware of animal welfare and intolerant of what they perceive to be cruelty or neglect. Consequently, the volume of calls to the ISPCA has increased in recent years and continues to rise stretching our services beyond measure. (Our phone lines are extremely busy, please leave a contact number for our operator to return your call). If you believe an animal is being cruelly treated or neglected, please call 0818 515 515.
Working together for Animal Welfare

Welcoming the strategy, the Minister stated, “This Strategy reflects this government’s clear commitment to animal welfare. Irish people have a strong sense of empathy and responsibility towards animals and my department has a proud history of supporting the welfare of animals, whether through policy initiatives, the provision of advice or guidance, or financial assistance to farmers to help them improve their facilities, or financial supports to our animal welfare charities; we are now taking policy to a new level. Animal welfare is increasingly important to Irish citizens, and we are ever more aware of the interrelationship between the welfare of animals and human well-being. The importance of animal welfare is also reflected in the choices we make as consumers when buying animal-based products and our reputation for high welfare standards is vital to our export markets.”

This legal handbook has been produced with many people in mind: members, and especially secretaries, of local SPCAs, local and national animal welfare Inspectors, other animal welfare bodies in Ireland, and particularly the Garda Siochana, who have
the statutory authority over animal welfare in this country, and to whom we are all greatly indebted for their work in enforcing the laws that protect animals. It is our hope that this book will make it easier for everyone concerned to prevent cruelty and to foster
a climate in which all animals are respected and protected from abuse. On behalf of the ISPCA I would like to thank the legal team which produced it and to express our appreciation of their thoroughness and dedication.

Hamster Info Ireland was founded in mid-2020 and is dedicated to improving the welfare and care of hamsters across Ireland and beyond.
From our beginnings, we have set up a website; created a basic care guide; have a rapidly growing online community on both Facebook and Instagram; and have also helped to rescue over 40 hamsters from neglect and found their perfect forever homes.
School Education Programme.
Our School Liaison Officer Marie with the Lecarrow Scouts on Wednesday 31st January 2018. Marie was giving a talk on animal welfare to the young Scouts of Lecarrow accompanied by her own rescue collie Millie.

Thank you to Linda and the scouts for inviting Roscommon SPCA to talk about animal welfare. We would also like to say how very grateful we are for the donations of cat & dog food. Thank you very much.
Niamh Loftus talks with Roscommon SPCA PRO, Paul O’ Sullivan about why pets are much more than presents at Christmas time and what can be done to help.
Roscommon SPCA is having their annual Christmas Street Collection in Roscommon Town on Friday, the 8th of December and Saturday, the 9th of December.
Under the Control of Dogs Act 1986, which was amended in 1992, all dog owners are required to have a dog license.
What type of license do you need?
• Individual dog license – covers one dog for a period of 12 months
• General dog licence – for owners of kennels for a period of 12 months
• Lifetime of the dog licence – for the lifetime of the dog for which the licence is issued
Most people will need an individual licence. You have to be over 16 years of age to hold a dog licence.
Dogs which do not require a licence
• Guide dogs for the blind do not require licensing
• Dogs which are in the country for less than 30 days do not require licensing.
Some breeds have specific regulations
The breed of dog is not considered important, but some breeds have specific regulations about leashing, muzzling, etc., in public places.
Restricted Dog Breed Information
The Control of Dogs Regulations 1998 (S.I. No. 442 of 1998) impose additional rules in relation to the following breeds (and strains/cross-breeds) of a dog in Ireland, read full information here.
Under the provisions of the Control of Dogs Act, 1986, the Local Authority is responsible for the control of dogs in the County of Roscommon. Roscommon SPCA has no responsibility directly or indirectly in the management or administration of the Dog Shelter/Pound in Co. Roscommon.
Roscommon Dog Shelter (Pound) Opening Times: 11-2. Mon-Sat – 090 6662992
- Phone – 0906662992
- Email – roscommondogshelter@eircom.net
Finding of Stray Dogs
13.—(1) Any person, other than a dog warden or a member of the Garda Síochána, who finds and takes possession of a stray dog shall, forthwith—
(a) Return the dog to its owner, or
(b) Deliver the dog to a dog warden, or
(c) detain the dog and give notice in writing containing a description of the dog, the address of the place where it was found, and the address of the place where it is detained to the member in charge at the nearest Garda Station to the place where the dog was found, or to a dog warden.
Stray dogs that are reported or picked up out of hours by Roscommon SPCA are handed over to the pound at the earliest opportunity. All stray dogs picked up by Roscommon are reported to the Dog warden immediately.

SpayAware aims to spread the message about the benefits of spaying and neutering pet dogs and cats to help stem the destruction of unwanted animals in Ireland.